online again
read this fab book!
its called tell no one and it claims to be in the midst of filming into a movie (exactly what it really should be) but i havent like, heard of such a movie (??) weird.
just did math homework
um study break now.
legs not aching surprisingly
and my calluses feel damn queer!
they dont feel like theyre part of my body at all
like two detached flat balls??
okayy dont think crooked.
we walked ALL OVER town to and fro and to and fro and to and fro! vicious cycle. haha
everyone was kinda stony (or maybe it was just me) at the beginning
after that was okay.
silly sweetie darn funny. she just proven herself to be the ultimate mountain tortoise ever.
can you believe she was cynical that a piece of listerine sweet was actually a sweet?? sheesh she thought i was kidding and laughed till she realised it wasnt 'toner' or whatever she thought it was. which living person till today, is not aware that sweets come in strips that melt in your mouth?? and at far east, we all started to squeeze ear sticks into our ears. haha all except me..i was the ahem, expert (with probably the smallest ear holes, actually) giving a helping hand. sweetie (again) v toot! she could only squeeze the enlarger into her earholes like, for a quarter and the whole thing was sticking out..haha i dont think anyone knows what im talking about but yea. and peixiu's earsticks were so damn long! v weird. oh! and wai+i had to pretend we wanted to buy shoes to sit down in the shoe shop. cos our legs were reeeeally tired ._. went marche for dinner..was feeling v funny. was like, afraid of i-dont-know-what for an hour or so. freaky. and when i went back, had a freaky encounter again! eeks. anyhow, salmon spaghetti is fab! next to crayfish ones :)
its kinda sad that green got last ._.
but no one put in much effort.
not any green house member i know, anyway.
so i guess we're all guilty
but its over .. so.
cant believe that red cheer didnt emerge triumphant!
thought they were really good.
the best among all the four houses
their uniform was the nicest too
but whatever la
its just sports day
everyone has different opinions.
perfect 10 is playing all the nice songs now!
though its carrie chong -screws face-